Your Angel Message For Today

Throat Chakra

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

The angels are helping you lovingly speak your truth.

Today the angels surround you with a beautiful blue light, and you may notice throughout the day sparkles or colours of blue in the environment around you.

They surround you with this light to support your throat chakra and to clear away any blockages that you may have. Through clearing these blockages, you will find that you are more able to speak your truth and this will also clear away any fears you may have around speaking your truth.

The angels will ensure that this process is done harmoniously and in a way that is gentle and at the right pace for you. As they work with you today, you may find that your words become clearer and you're able to express yourself easily and with clarity.

Today take some time out of the day to sing a song! Choose a song that you love and that resonates with your soul, find a place where you can be alone and sing it as loud as you feel comfortable.

Singing helps the throat chakra to open up and it also supports cleansing of this area. Ask the angels to guide you with choosing a song if you're unsure of which one to sing.

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