Your Angel Message For Today

Live Your Joy

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray

Follow your passion and invest in classes that will take you there!

Today your angels have a jubilant message: live your joy! Your angels have noticed that you’ve put your passions on the back burner and, while focusing on family, friends, and career is important, you need to take time for yourself.

What passion projects have you let fall by the wayside? What hobbies have you had to let go? Your angels are telling you today to invest in yourself and your passions!

It’s time to focus on yourself.

You’ve done it. You’ve put in the time and energy to your job, your family, and your social life. But what about those hobbies you used to have that you loved so much? Your angels are telling you that it’s time to pick those back up!

You need to focus on yourself right now and rediscover what makes you happy. And if a couple of classes would let you follow your joy, then take them! Your angels will help you find the perfect time to attend around your schedule. Painting, pottery, writing, coding, whatever your passion is, there are classes out there for you, just ask your angels for guidance and you will find them.

Of course, this doesn’t automatically mean going back to school. You don’t have to commit to anything more than attending one of the classes just once, even just online. And if, for whatever reason, it doesn’t click with you, you never have to go back again.

In fact, you can try a whole bunch of classes for things you never got to experience! Interested in beekeeping? Archery? Cake decorating? Stand-up comedy? There are classes for that! Follow your joy and discover all the things you’re passionate about all over again, along with new things that you never thought of trying before!

When you pursue your passions, others will follow your lead.

The best way to encourage others to follow their passions is by following yours. Be an example of joy to the people in your life, and they, in turn, will be an example to the people in their life as well.

You can start a chain reaction of positivity by simply taking a few classes here and there. And who knows, perhaps you’ll find out that your friends are interested in the same passions as you and you can attend together!

You never know when someone needs to see your example of following your joy so they’re free to follow their own. Seeing you happy and secure in pursuing your passions will inspire so many people, even strangers, to take up previously forgotten hobbies.

When you follow the guidance of your angels you are a light shining in the darkness, even when you’re focusing on self-care and investing time in yourself. And sometimes especially then! Allow your angels to continue to guide you down this path by keeping gratitude in your heart and mind, but remember:

Make sure the joy you’re chasing is your own.

Your angels have a caution: make sure you’re following your own path and not one that someone picked out for you. If you’re taking an art class and realize halfway through that you don’t even want to be there, then leave! You are under no obligation to follow a path that someone else has set before you.

It can be easy to let other people persuade you to change your mind, let go of your joy, and live the way they want you to live, but with your angel’s guidance you can break free of those chains and live your life the way you want!

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