Your Angel Message For Today

Windfall of Abundance

Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Grant Virtue

A windfall of abundance is coming your way, so don’t rely on cash advance services & payday loans.

Today your angels want to talk about money. They’ve seen how much you’re struggling with finances right now and want to assure you that there’s good things on the horizon! You may not know when or where it’s coming from, but abundance is on its way to you. Keep your head up and your spirit receptive and watch your money worries vanish!

Don’t fall victim to money lending scams.

It may seem like a good idea to get involved with easy cash services & payday loans, but the truth is these kinds of services charge an exorbitant amount of money in interest. Sure, you get money fast, but the cost will shock you when it comes time to pay it back. While you may have only borrowed five hundred dollars, the total you’ll pay back will be closer to six hundred.

In this way, cash services & payday loans keep you in a place of debt, hoping you’ll roll the loan over and accrue more fees and interest in the process. These sorts of companies are very predatory and are actively working to keep you poor. Most of the companies that lend out the money don’t even report your payments to help you raise your credit!

What can you do to avoid this financial trap?

It’s easy to get flustered when an unexpected bill comes up and you don’t have the money for it but the first step in these situations is to talk to your angels and request guidance. Take a moment to just breathe before you rush into anything.

The companies that provide cash services & payday loans are hungry and waiting to swallow you up, so before you make a hasty decision, really listen to your angels. Are they telling you to wait? Are they pointing you in another direction? It’s critical that you listen for their guidance to avoid falling into the money trap that these companies represent.

There are plenty of alternatives to cash services & payday loans. Consider looking into community support, for instance, such as local nonprofits and charities as these can help you without the extra interest you’d be paying elsewhere.

For medical bills, consider requesting a payment plan through the doctor’s office or hospital instead of immediately looking for a loan. Most places will be happy to split payment or delay the bill until you get paid. For larger medical bills you can always contact an advocate who can negotiate the amount of money you owe and may even catch expensive billing mistakes in the process.

But what about other unexpected bills that neither of these can help with? Credit unions might be the answer! Credit unions don’t offer cash services & payday loans, but what they do offer is low interest loans that look beyond your credit score and take into account your current job and your payment history.

These companies can provide you with a fairly low monthly payment, making it easier to recover financially from your emergency. Plus paying off the loan will boost your credit!

So in conclusion, you have many alternatives to cash services & payday loans and your angels will guide you to the right choice for you. You don’t have to rush into a financial trap with your angels on your side!

Keep gratitude foremost in your mind and speak words of affirmation about your finances. What you’re currently putting out into the universe is echoing back to you rapidly, so keep yourself positive and watch your money worries vanish!

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