Your Angel Message For Today

Take Time To Breathe

Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray

Investing in a spiritual timeshare will benefit you now more than ever!

Has life been getting you down? Have you been stressed, anxious, run ragged from the daily grind of work, chores, and home life? Your angels want you to know that now is the time to take a break from all that.

Your spirit needs time to relax in the same way your body does. You can’t keep pushing yourself without breaks and without rewards, just hoping that you can make it through. While your angels are proud of your tenacity, they also want you to know that you are ready to take a well-earned vacation, a spiritual retreat, and that they will guide you to making the best choice for you.

But what is a spiritual timeshare?

To put it simply, a spiritual timeshare is a form of self-care. It’s finding a space away from the stressors of life, away from other people, and taking care of yourself for a little while. In the same way a physical timeshare is a vacation for your body, a spiritual timeshare would be a vacation for your spirit. And you can do this self-care from the comfort of your own home!

Set aside time just for yourself. If you have only a few minutes here and there, consider a cup of tea and your favorite music while you focus on healing yourself. If you have a moderate amount of time, an extra long shower or a bubble bath may be in order, perhaps by the light of a few candles and with the scent of your favorite incense swirling around you.

These are examples of things you can do in your spare time to rejuvenate your spirit, things you can do for yourself in the middle of the day without having to take too much time away from your schedule. Even spending just a little time healing yourself will make a major difference in your life!

Listen carefully to your angels right now, though. Is it time for a real vacation, away from home and all the stress you’ve been under? Your angels will be guiding you towards a holiday, either a vacation for your physical stress, a retreat for your spiritual stress, or a combination of the two!

Combining physical and spiritual relaxation.

Being open to new experiences and listening to your angel’s guidance will always serve you well! Your angels may be pointing you towards an actual spiritual retreat, a place where you can heal the pain your spirit has been under with other like-minded people who will be open to hearing your experiences.

This may not always be possible, though. Sometimes the timing won’t work out, or you’ve run out of vacation days, or it’s too far to drive and too expensive to fly. When problem after problem keeps cropping up, be sure to ask your angels for guidance. Is this truly a retreat that you’re meant to go to?

Disregard your own personal opinion and listen carefully to the answer you receive. If it’s meant to be, your angels will guide you to the path that will take you there!

Sometimes you just have to get away on your own, though, to spend time healing yourself and listening to your angels. Consider renting a hotel room in your own city. This will take you out of the distracting comforts of home and put you in a place where you’ll have plenty of time to listen to your angels and commune with them to heal your spirit.

Take the time to treat yourself with care, to take yourself out to dinner and get to spend some true quality time with yourself if possible. Your angels will guide you towards the places and people you need to be around to achieve true healing!

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