Your Angel Message For Today

Be Willing To Forgive

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Ask the angels to clear your mind and body of past pain in exchange for peacefulness.

This is a reminder for you today about the importance of being willing to forgive. The angels remind you that when you forgive, you replace any negative feelings and emotions that you may have held onto, with a sense of peace.

And today you may find that you see people or are in situations which you hold some form of unforgiveness towards. It could be in the form of negative memories, images in your mind or emotions.

Sometimes this energy can hold you back from progressing to where you want to be in your life and you may find that today is a great day to do work around forgiving people, as the angels are working closely with you on this.

At first you may not even realize that you're holding onto unforgiveness but as you become aware of any feelings that arise, you may find that you actually do.

To recognize this, sense any feelings of anger that come to you when you are around people or when you're in certain situations. Very often anger can be an indicator of not forgiving a person or situation.

Once you have identified any people or situations you may need to forgive, ask for the angels to help you find a way to forgive. Sit for a few minutes in their energy and they will help to dissolve any negative emotions and enable you to replace these emotions with a sense of peace.

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