Your Angel Message For Today


Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Believe in yourself, and have faith that God and the angels are with you. Ask them to help you lose the fears that block you from enjoying full faith.

The angels bring you a message today about trust, as they know you've had experiences in the past which may have caused you to doubt and lose faith in life. The angels however wish to bring you the message to keep the faith and to hold on to it, and this also includes self-trust too.

You may have made mistakes in the past, but these mistakes have served as spiritual growth lessons and have also brought you wisdom and knowledge about life. The angels will work with you today to help you have trust in yourself and in them, talk with them regularly throughout the day so they can support you with this, and this will also open you up to the signs that the angels bring around you today.

Sometimes we all need a little wisdom, reflect on the wisdom you've learnt throughout your life and pick one piece of advise that you feel could help someone. When you get the opportunity spend some extra time talking to a child or an adult in need of help and give them the piece of advise that you have learnt. You will find that the angels will create the right situation for this to happen, and this will come as an important message for the recipient.

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