Your Angel Message For Today

Workshops And Seminars

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Attending and giving speeches is part of your spiritual path and purpose. Be open to teaching and learning.

Today the message from the angels is about workshops and seminars, as this may be part of your learning for your spiritual and personal development. The angels encourage you to take action on any thoughts you've been having recently regarding attending workshops/training or seminars and they guide you to follow your intuition. You will find that you meet like minded people through doing this, and you may also find that it brings you new perceptions, ideas and inspirations.

There is also a message today about how you may one day be delivering some form of teaching to others, and even if you don't understand this yet, what you're learning now will form part of the knowledge you pass to others in the future.

Spend some time reflecting on any workshops, seminars or training that you would like to attend, which can develop you spiritually, personally or professionally. If you are drawn to a certain area, perhaps take action upon this, this can be as simple as finding out more information about workshops happening in your area or if you're feeling motivated, booking on to one.

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