Your Angel Message For Today


Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

You are engaged in learning and study right now. Your angels guide you to take time to read, listen and grow.

Spend time dedicated to learning about a subject which you love. If you feel guided to enroll on a course, this is confirmation for you to take action. Although studying isn't just about traditional study; it can also be done through reading, watching documentaries, listening to someone talk or doing something that you love.

You can also work alongside the archangels to learn wisdom and develop spiritually. Just ask for them to guide you with this and they will be happy to assist. All you need to do is listen to their messages and follow your intuition. You may also find that some of your spiritual learning is done during the dream state, so always record your dreams.

Today ask for one of the Archangels to work with you, to help you develop spiritually. Listen closely for the name that the Archangel brings you. Use a pen and paper and ask them to bring you through any action steps or information that you need to help you in your life. You may find that this comes in numbered action steps, or it may come in the form of pictures and symbols, depending on the Archangel and the way they wish to work.

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