Your Angel Message For Today


Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

The angels are helping you heal from any pain associated with your mother or father and other close family members.

Today the angels bring you a message about your parents and relationships in your life, as you may have found that these have been on your mind recently. It could be that today brings up situations or memories from childhood, and that you reflect on these.

The angels surround you with their love and their light, and they ask that you give any worries or concerns around family up to them. Your loved ones in spirit are very close, and are still very much around you, supporting you in life. This card today is also confirmation of their presence and of any signs you may have been receiving lately from the angels and your loved ones, and they wish to let you know that they love you very much.

Spend some time reflecting on those that you love. Light a candle or say a prayer, for some of the people close to you, whether living or passed over onto the other side of life. To do this, say: “I thank you       for being part of my life, and I ask that the angels bless and protect you now and always.” You can do this for as many people as you like, and the loving thoughts will reach them and bless their soul with the love of the angels.

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