Your Angel Message For Today


Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

A situation that has caused you concern is on the mend. You are a natural healer, and your healing thoughts have manifested into form.

The angels wish to remind you that it is important to release any concerns about health, either for yourself or someone you love, to them. Once you release the issue to them, they can bring in divine healing light and create positive outcomes.

This is a message from your angels that your prayers have been heard and answered and they thank you also for your efforts and love towards helping to heal others, whether this be physically, emotionally or spiritually. You are a natural healer and just your loving thoughts around a person or situation can create positive results. Believe in your abilities and know that the angels work very closely with you to help yourself and others.

Spend some time today making a special place in your home where you can focus on self healing, this could be your bed or any area that you regularly relax. Change the bed set, add some new cushions, open the windows, burn some aromatherapy oils or use sage and clear the energy around this area. Perhaps place some healing crystals around this area too. Once you have done this, invite the angels in to infuse the area with divine healing, ask for them to be in this area whenever you are, to bring all forms of healing to your mind, body and soul.

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