Your Angel Message For Today

Self Care

Indigo Angel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

As you look after and nurture yourself, you will keep your energy levels high, which in turn will allow you to also nurture and care for others.

You may have been looking after the needs of your loved ones, and those around you, but may have forgotten about yourself and your own needs. Very often as a sensitive person, it can be easy to spend your life and your time, nurturing and supporting those you care about, and this may also be part of your life purpose.

However today the angels ask that you stop for a bit, and take some time out to reflect on your own needs, as you may be depleting your own energy levels. As you start to take care of yourself, you will find that you then have the energy and the mind set to be in a good place to help others, but keep in mind that sometimes you need to put yourself first to allow this to happen.

Take some time out to look after yourself and practice self-care. This could be something as simple as saying no to requests for your time, or putting aside 1 hour of the day for something that helps you to relax, or talking to a friend about any worries you have (particularly if you're normally the listener!). You will find that as you practice self-care, you are then in a more stable position to help others.

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