Your Angel Message For Today


Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

You are in communication with your angels, and the messages that you are receiving are very real indeed. Trust them.

Today is a reminder for you from the angels that you really are hearing the messages which they are bringing to you. You may have found recently that you've received repetitive messages, thoughts, ideas, feelings or emotions and this is there way of communicating with you. When they communicate you may also feel a sense of reassurance around you.

The angels ask, “Are you are listening and following these messages?” Perhaps recently life has been busy and you've not managed to dedicate the time to doing this. They encourage you today, to give any doubts you have to them, so that you can experience and enjoy the clear and loving communication that you share with your angels.

For today the angels wish to remind you about taking some time out to listen to what they have to say to you, as they are waiting to communicate with you. You may need to take some time out to do this, maybe enjoy a nice candlelit bath, take a walk in nature or do a relaxing meditation. Ask for the angels to bring you through clearly the messages that they wish for you to receive and then be open to the senses you experience. You can also ask them for guidance on any area of your life that you would like help with. This is divine guidance for you and this can be repeated as often as you wish.

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