Your Angel Message For Today

Ideas & Inspirations

Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Pay attention to new thoughts and ideas that come to you, they are seeds of magnificent co-creations with God

Today the angels bring you this card as a message about the thoughts and ideas which may be coming to you today, and they bring you confirmation that they are real and worth acting upon.

You may have already had ideas over the last few weeks, which you've been thinking about, but today brings you in the inspiration and understanding about how to implement the ideas and inspirations into your life. You may find that as you go through the day, you see something around you which inspires you, or you may have a conversation with someone that brings you an inspirational message. Write down any inspiration you receive and take action upon anything you feel drawn towards doing today.

Write down your ideas and dreams on the middle of a piece of paper. Draw a line from the idea or dream and write about how you can act upon it. As you go along, you will find that new inspirations come to you and you may start to create a bigger picture about how you can bring your ideas to life. If you've done this in the past, repeat it again as you may find new inspirations come to you today.

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