Your Angel Message For Today

Blessing In Disguise

Daily Guidance From Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

What appears to be a problem is actually part of your answered prayer. You'll understand the reasons behind your present situation as everything resolves.

Today the angels bring reassurance that everything which is happening currently in your life is part of a bigger picture that you may not yet see. They wish for you to keep a positive mindset about the future and to have faith that everything is in divine order.

You may be feeling that things are a little chaotic right now, but beneath the surface there are situations happening to manifest the answers to your prayers. Sometimes what may feel difficult at the time is actually a blessing, which you will soon see and understand, for the change will bring about a very positive outcome. One day you will look back and realize why things happened as they did, for the changes happening right now will take you down a pathway which is more aligned with the wishes of your spirit.

Take a few minutes out today to reflect on situations and memories which may have seemed difficult at the time, but which ended up having positive results. For example if there was a job you really wanted at the time, and you didn't get it only to find out that an even better job came along. Perhaps there was a relationship or friendship which ended which was very difficult at the time, but then new people came into your life who were more on the same wave length and spiritual vibration as yourself.

Think of all situations which unfolded in this way and write them down if you wish. Then use this as a reminder each time you experience change or if things don't always turn out the way you'd hoped.

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