Your Angel Message For Today

Archangel Michael

Angel Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Let Archangel Michael be your attorney in the courtroom of life.

When you go to court, you know that you need an attorney. Your angels are pointing you towards the greatest defense there is: Archangel Michael. Michael plays many roles but he’s most well-known for his skill on the battlefield; from defending you against literal bullets to advocating for you in a spiritual courtroom.

He’s always ready to step to your side and fight with you against the situation you’re facing. The battle may be hard-fought and hard-won, but he’ll be right there with you every step of the way. Even the smallest of battles will have his undivided attention when you call on him, so don’t be shy! He’s on your side now.

Protector and defender

Imagine Michael as your attorney as you sit in a spiritual courtroom. You may be frightened of the judge and jury, of the prosecutor, of the situation in general, but remember that Michael is by your side in this, guiding you and leading you.

Your spirit will have the chance to brighten when you listen to his words and release your fear. Because you are receptive to hearing what Michael is saying, the scales will be lifted from your eyes and you will now see the situation clearly.

Sometimes when in court you need to prove that you’re earnest in defending your case. Michael can help you to cut the energy cords that bind you to toxic people, unhealthy situations, and bad habits.

For instance, is there someone in your life that you’re fighting with? Visualize the cord tethering you to that fight, then ask Michael to sever the connection with his sword of light. This will free you to move on, to shift gears and establish a healthier relationship with the guidance of your angels.

Or perhaps you’re trying to kick a bad habit, like smoking or nail biting. This may seem like a small battle but breaking habits can be extremely difficult and Michael is more than willing to help you fight here as well! Again, imagine a cord tying you to these habits and request that Michael sever the connection. Imagine the cord then vanishing and releasing you, never to be seen again.

As a good attorney, Michael is also there to protect you from the barbs cast at you by others. Imagine you’re back in the courtroom and the prosecutor turns to accuse you, but instead of finding you sitting meekly by they find Michael standing in their way. He’s protecting you from baseless accusations and toxic words, helping you remain firm in your convictions and connected to the Divine.

The greatest attorney on Earth is just waiting for you to request help.

There is no right or wrong way to summon assistance from your angels, and Michael is no exception. A simple thought, silent, spoken, or written, will call him to your side.

Remember that when you ask him to assist you not to specify how you want assistance. Be open to receiving help however your angels and Michael see fit. They know your heart and what you’re able to accept, what will be best for you, and how and when to present it to you.

Thank your angels and Michael specifically for being your attorney in this courtroom battle. Expressing your thankfulness lets your angels know that you are open to receiving more guidance and are ready and willing to follow the path they are leading you down. With your angels on your side, and Michael only a call away, you can be sure that any trial you face will be found in your favor!

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