Your Angel Message For Today


Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

We will stand right behind you as you speak your truth, giving you strength and guiding your words.

The message today from the angels is about speaking your truth and asserting yourself towards people around you. The angels surround you today with their powerful energy to support you and also help you tap into what you truly want, rather than responding to the demands of others.

If you've recently been putting off speaking your truth because of fears of how people will react, the angels reassure you that expressing your truth today will give you positive results in the long run. They also remind you that your guardian angels are always by your side, so ask them for their help and they will bring you the right words at the right time.

Focus on one area of your life that you would like to become more assertive with. This could be a work situation or one you encounter with family or friends. When you are in this situation, ask for your guardian angels to guide your words, and really speak from a place within your heart of strength and confidence.

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