Your Angel Message For Today


Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

You are moving into a time of greater inner peace and tranquility.

The angels have heard your request for more peace and tranquility in your life, and they bring you through the message for today, that these prayers have been heard and are in the process of being answered.

Today you will feel their calming presence around you, as they are helping you to move forward in positive ways which will bring more peace and serenity into your life. Know and trust in the messages that they bring you today, for they are guiding you to make the right decisions and to take the right action which will enhance your life in wonderful ways.

Serenity is already within your heart, and as you listen to their messages and guidance today, peace and serenity will pour out effortlessly into the day ahead.

Today, give a small gift to someone you care about. This can be something simple such as a flower, a cake or item of food, a hand written note, a crystal or anything else that you know will bring peace and joy into someone's day.

As you do this, you will find that the recipient feels a sense of peace and love, and this in turn will help you to also feel positive.

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