Today the angels guide you to use your thoughts wisely and to keep them positive and on a high vibration. Very often in life it can be easy to be swept away with the thoughts and energy of other people, which can often be negative.
The angels wish to bring you this awareness, as they would like to share with you the knowledge that you really do have the power and choice to change how you respond to the affects of others. You will start to notice a profound difference in your life when you keep your thoughts positive, and this will also invite into your life positive people, experiences and situations.
Today, choose to be the bearer of good news. Every time you speak to someone, let it be about something positive, something kind or something joyful. For example, when asked 'How are you?' instead of reciting the usual phrase, offer a positive thoughtful response, make an effort to notice and acknowledge what is good about the day.
As you practice this daily, you will find that this sends out a message to the Universe that you want goodness in your life and positive experiences will flow in for you.
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