Today the angels wish to bring you guidance which is about allowing yourself to be open to receiving love. You may have been giving so much to others recently and as a person who finds joy in giving, you may sometimes find it hard to receive.
The angels bring you a reminder that it's ok to also allow love into your life and to allow other people to sometimes give back to you! There may be a situation around you right now where you're not being truly open to receiving, so work with your guardian angels to help you with this. You will find that as you start setting the intention of being open to love, love will start to find it's way to you in all forms—friendships, relationships and family.
Spend some time today looking at the relationships in your life. Are they supportive? Do they bring you joy? or are there relationships in your life which may drain and upset you? Very often relationships which are draining can cause you to close off to receiving love as a form of protection, so start to take steps to release the people in your life that drain you and ask the angels to bring into your life loving and positive relationships which help you to heal and open your heart.
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