Today's Tarot Reading For Virgo

Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands

According to The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by A.E. Waite, the Knight of Wands is described as the following:

He is shewn as if upon a journey, armed with a short wand, and although mailed is not on a warlike errand. He is passing mounds or pyramids. The motion of the horse is a key to the character of its rider, and suggests the precipitate mood, or things connected therewith.

Divinatory Meanings: Departure, absence, flight, emigration. A dark young man, friendly. Change of residence.

Reversed: Rupture, division, interruption, discord.

Today's tarot card, the Knight of Wands, is an indication of a significant increase in energy, usually in a specific area in your life. There's an increase in something or more action going on that affects you positively. To reap the most benefits, you can harness the extra power you now have access to and use it as your drive and passion for making positive changes to your life.

When the Knight of Wands shows up, it wants you to think about what you're genuinely passionate about, then take that energy and run with it. It often also represents a sense of adventure. The Knight of Wands tells you to strive for greatness and not be scared to venture out into something new.

Which aspect of your life has increased energy?

The Knight of Wands can sometimes point towards more action in your work life. You may get a burst of energy to work extra hard on a specific project. Or, you may feel the need for a change in scenery and decide to relocate or go on a business trip.

Whatever it may be, things at work could get busy in the next little bit. Don't be afraid to jump into something new, and enjoy yourself while you have the motivation.

The Knight of Wands also can point towards a need for an adventure. You may be getting tired of the same day-to-day routine you've been stuck in and want to experience something new. This card encourages you to go out and explore to your heart's desire. Venturing out into something new is exciting, and you will be feeling left refreshed by your new surroundings.

Finally, this card suggests you should use this surge of energy to feed your passions. Get familiar with what you're passionate about, take it to the next level, and get more involved with it. The more you feed this fire, the more you will feel driven to reach for the stars. The sky's the limit when you're working on something that genuinely moves you.

How to get the most out of this newfound energy

Take advantage of your passions, your drive, and what motivates you to move forward towards positive things. Here are some ways you can get the most out of this extra motivational energy boost:

Shake up your work routine.

If you're getting tired of the same old routine at work, look into ways to change things up. Maybe there's a new upcoming project that your employers are looking for a dedicated worker to take on. Or perhaps there's a position that's just opened up that involves relocating. Don't be afraid to try something new and adventurous—nothing's worse than being bored of your work.

Explore your adventurous side.

If you've been feeling the need to explore, the Knight of Wands says now is the time to do it. Go out and try a restaurant that you've never been to—it might just be your new favorite. Or, go on and check out that hiking trail that you've been hearing about lately.

Whatever you decide to do, diving into something new will be a fun experience and a great way to explore your adventurous side.

Put more energy into your passions.

Beautiful things can happen when you focus on what inspires you. Spending time on something you have a passion for can be a refreshing way to put any extra energy into good use.

For example, if you have an interest in art, sign up for a new art class. Or, if you've been looking for a new exercise routine, try out a new yoga class, or enroll yourself in a self-defense class to upgrade your skills. Doing what you love will make you feel amazing!

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