Today's Tarot Reading For Aries

King of Swords

King of Swords

According to The Pictorial Key to the Tarot by A.E. Waite, The King of Swords is described as the following:

He sits in judgment, holding the unsheathed sign of his suit. He recalls, of course, the conventional Symbol of justice in the Trumps Major, and he may represent this virtue, but he is rather the power of life and death, in virtue of his office.

Divinatory Meanings: Whatsoever arises out of the idea of judgment and all its connexions-power, command, authority, militant intelligence, law, offices of the crown, and so forth.

Reversed: Cruelty, perversity, barbarity, perfidy, evil intention.

When the King of Swords appears, it may indicate the need for legal advice from a professional, such as an attorney. It's also a sign that you may be dealing with a situation involving morality and authority.

If you aren't currently in this kind of situation, this is a sign that you may be soon. So, it's best to prepare and have an attorney or legal advisor just in case. They can help you make sure all your assets are safe and provide you with the professional support you need.

The King of Swords can also represent an intelligent man who is sharp and accurate when using his words. He is determined and skilled in his profession. Although he may be aloof, he is someone you can trust to help you when you need his expertise.

You may need legal aid through an attorney

The King of Swords sometimes represents someone who's a professional legal advisor, like an attorney. This could be an attorney that you're currently working with or one that you're about to seek out. They are skilled and dependable and are there to provide you with any legal support you may need.

It's important to know that you can trust your attorney, even though they may come across as cold and emotionless towards you. Know that they're well-trained and knowledgeable in their field.

Their focus is on helping you make the best legal decisions available for yourself. Not so much becoming your new friend. So don't feel turned off if they come across as aloof.

If you aren't currently dealing with legal issues of any sort, the King of Swords could be indicating that you will be soon. Maybe there's something that you've been putting off doing. Or, you've completely forgotten about some necessary paperwork that can lead to legal troubles if not dealt with soon.

Your legal issues may be a bit more serious than forgotten paperwork. You could be in, or about to start, a court case. You could be defending yourself. Or, you could be trying to make a legal claim against someone who's done you wrong.

Be sure to make sure you've done everything that needs to get done on your part and seek legal advice if you need it.

Your legal troubles may involve morals

The King of Swords can also mean that there could be morality issues involved with your legal situation. Your legal troubles may involve taking someone to court for doing you wrong. For example, someone may have damaged your property, or a former employer is not paying what they owe you.

If you haven't already begun to take legal action, today’s card suggests you should. However, be sure that you aren't the one who has done morally wrong.

What can you do to protect yourself?

The King of Swords advises you to pay close attention to whether you've been keeping up with your legal duties. Make sure you have everything dealt with.

Organize your files and documents. It's easy to let your file folders and documents get a bit messy over time. Going through all your paperwork and documents will give you an idea of what needs to get done. You may find paperwork that ensures your legal security may have expired and needs to get updated or renewed.

Look into hiring an attorney if you feel you need legal justice. If something has recently occurred and you feel unjust, hiring a professional legal representative may be a good idea. They will help you settle things in court to make sure you get your well-deserved justice.

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