Your Angel Message For Today

Guardian Angel

Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Your guardian angels want you to know how much they love you right now. Your angels love is completely unconditional and all-encompassing.

The angels wish to remind you of your guardian angels' presence. Your guardian angels are personal to you and have been with you since birth. They are awaiting your requests and can help you in any area of your life, with anything you need, just ask!

They ask you to have faith and trust in their presence. Believe that they are really there. You may have recently felt them around you and this is confirmation for you that it was truly them around you. You may have also received signs of their presence recently which may have come in unusual forms than what they normally give, for this is their way of making you notice.

Today ask for your guardian angels to wrap their beautiful wings around you if you encounter any situation where you need extra support or comfort. You may feel a slight change in temperature, see flashes of light or may even feel a soft sensation on your skin. They will bring peace to your heart and will provide you with psychic and spiritual protection from every day life.

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